Employee Leave Tracker / Schedule

Employee Leave Tracker & Schedule | Track Time Off Easily. Stay organized and on top of employee leave with this easy-to-use Employee Leave Tracker and Schedule. Keep track of employee leave and manage your team more efficiently.

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Kumar S Devendra
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Employee Leave Tracker / Schedule Description

How to Use the Leave Tracker

STEP 1: Edit the Year and Labels in the YearToDate worksheet

I designed this so that you can edit the labels in the Year worksheet and those changes will carry over to the monthly worksheets. By "labels", I mean the types of employee leave and the letters used for different types of leave.

This template allows you to track up to 6 different types of employee leave. If you need to track more than that, it IS possible to add more columns, but doing so will require familiarity with Excel and editing formulas.

STEP 2: Enter Employee Names in the YearToDate worksheet

Enter the list of Employee Names in the YearToDate worksheet. The monthly worksheets use formulas to look up the name based on the Employee ID, so you won't need to enter the Employee Names in each separate worksheet.

The Employee ID column is used in lookup formulas, so it is critical that you use unique Employee ID values.

The template includes rows for up to 30 employees. You can add more rows by inserting rows above the bottom gray row and then copying formulas down from the previous row. You'll need to do this in all worksheets, and make sure the employee IDs are correct.

STEP 3: Save a Backup of the Template

To make things easier for next year, save a backup copy of the template at this point. You can use it as the starting point for your leave schedule for future years.

STEP 4: Use Monthly Worksheets to Record Leave

The main limitation of this template has to do with counting leave based on days rather than hours. If you want to track leave on an hourly basis, see the Vacation Accrual template.

The drop-down lists in the Monthly worksheets allow you to select the letters associated with the different types of leave. If you want to track half-days, you can change "V" to "HV" or "VH" to count a half-day. Look at the formulas in the "Totals" columns to see how this works.

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