An accountant, generally speaking, is responsible for handling much of an organization’s financial details and tasks. They may create a budget or design a quarterly forecast in collaboration with a company’s chief financial officer. Daily tasks include managing accounts receivable, completing payroll, and bookkeeping to track the company’s expenses and payments. Special accounting programs may be employed to assist in such tasks, and accountants are expected to be proficient in such platforms. If you are wondering how to include all of these qualifications in your CV, consulting our accountant CV example can give you an idea of where to start and how to make yours the best that it can be.
Not all CVs are created equal, and if you want yours to stand out, consulting our example above is a great place to start. You might want some more guidance on how to make your accountant CV great, and the following tips offer exactly that:
-Do include details on your current accounting licensing and certification as well as the dates of validity.
-Don’t focus on generalities when you can be specific in naming the size of the companies you’ve worked for and the exact nature of the work you did.
-Do highlight complementary skills, such as managerial experience, that may put you above competitors for a job.
-Don’t describe job duties without offering the qualification and context of your accomplishments.
-Do focus on your attention to detail and development of skills throughout your prior work history.
-Don’t cite facts and figures that are not directly relevant to the role your position played in a company’s overall performance.