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Ankita Potdukhe
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Expenditure Details for July 2023 Description

Expenditure Details for July 2023

July 2023 was an exciting month of financial planning and budgeting. A lot of hard work and thoughtful planning went into the preparation of the expenditure details for the month. As you can see, the total expenditure for the month was $2,000. Here is a breakdown of how that money was allocated and spent:

Fixed Expenses

  • Rent: $600
  • Utilities: $200
  • Groceries: $250
  • Transportation: $150
  • Phone Bill: $75

Flexible Expenses

  • Entertainment: $200
  • Eating Out: $125
  • Shopping: $150
  • Travel: $200
  • Gifts: $75

Savings and Investments

  • Retirement Funds: $200
  • Emergency Fund: $200
  • Investments: $200

It is important to note that these expenses and investments are not set in stone. There may be times when more or less money is needed in certain areas. For example, if there is an unexpected medical expense, you may need to adjust your budget accordingly. Additionally, if you receive a bonus or a raise, you may decide to add more money to your retirement funds or investments.

Overall, July 2023 was a successful month of budgeting and financial planning. By allocating the $2,000 wisely and taking the time to look at all of your expenses and investments, you were able to ensure that all of your needs were met while also setting aside money for the future. Congratulations on a job well done!

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